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Plenary talk: Openness as a pathway to support the SDGs – Citizen Science SDG Conference
Plenary talk: Creating an enabling environment for Citizen Science in Europe
Plenary talk: What is Citizen Science, anyway? – Citizen Science SDG Conference
Meet the experts: Linden Farrer and Michael Arentoft – Citizen Science SDG Conference
Session #1 Citizen Science Policy: A panel discussion – Citizen Science SDG Conference
Session #6 Citizens in biodiversity monitoring – Citizen Science SDG Conference
1 Citizen science and the SDGs I
Meet the expert: Anne Bowser – Citizen Science SDG Conference
Declaring the Declaration "Our world – our goals: Citizen Science for the SDGs" and closing ceremony
SDG 16 CONFERENCE 2021 - Opening and 1st Plenary: Our shared fragility: The impact of COVID-19
GEO-XV Plenary, Session 2: Earth Observations in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals
Session #3 Mobility and renewable energy for sustainable cities and communities